Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year 2005

The new year has come, 2005.
Beginning of the year, tsunami has striked asia. Malaysia is one of the least suffered area. However, as a country that being protected by most natural disaster, this happened to be serious case. Anyway, the relationship between me and my girlfriend has comes to 3.5 years. It's a wonderful experience in relation. Many valuable experience was gained during these years. Cheers to the year before 2005!
The year of 2005, a year of exciting possibilities. To all folks, Happy 2005!
"All living things exist in an ever-flowing stream of change. That is why we must not look back but always face forward, to the future, constantly refreshing our lives with new vitality. Let us make each day and each year one of growth and fresh, exciting possibility. Happy 2005!"

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