Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Agent, syntax and semantic web vision

What is agent?
If you want to book an ticket to fly abroad, where will you go? Travel agent? I suppose many people will go for this option.
Agent is executing some task on our behalf. A mobile agent is just "virtual" agent that try to execute some operations on our behalf. Some example is ask for their help to book two movie ticket while we busy with works and we will not miss the time to be with our love ones(for movie). Isn't this good? This can double or even triple our time efficiency. This is just small part of it. Mobile agent can be used in a wider range of purposes.
However, can a "machine" understand the relation between Ferrari and car? How about money and currency? Most internet is keyword based and this appears to be a limitation for keyword searching. This is where XML comes in and trying to realise the semantic web vision. We as a human, we understand that Ferrari is car while money and currency is related. these relation can be indicated in XML form and the relation ratio among them can be stated clearly.
I try to deliver three different concepts in one passage but it's too hard. I'll continue slowly in next passage.

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